As part of the series of events celebrating the 40th anniversary of the DHBW Ravensburg, a third historic building along Marktstraße will open its doors, in addition to the Altes Theater and Obertor: The Design Talk with Christian Felber will take place in the Museum Humpis-Quartier. Felber is the founder of the Gemeinwohlökonomie (Economy of the Common Good) and his talk “Change – by Design or Disaster?” raises questions about whether and how good coexistence can be designed in the future. Before that, the welcome and introduction to the exhibition will take place on Saturday morning, before Director Kistler from Baden-Württembergische Bank will award graduates of the past year with the “Ravensburg Design Award” 2018.
On the second day, the bachelor exhibition will traditionally be opened with a Weißwurst breakfast at 11.00 am. Starting at 2:00 p.m., alumnus Ephraim Ebertshäuser will moderate the panel discussion and ask alumni of the program questions about development opportunities after graduation, but also about personal perspectives on current topics in the design discourse.