His animated film “The Beastly Blonde” was created as part of his Bachelor’s thesis last autumn and provides a simple, sarcastic explanation for the current world political changes: Wig John wants to discover the world. But she only encounters hostility. Frustrated, she seeks revenge – and looks for a suitable wearer to vent her anger.
The jury’s statement: “A wig as a monster, the human wearer as a puppet: Thanks to Philipp Oertel’s refreshingly sarcastic animated film, which is concise in both content and form, we finally learn what is going on in – or rather, what is on – the most powerful man in the world and how he became what he is now. With this, the director has not only made what is probably the first biopic about the life of a wig, but through a clever twist he has also created a highly political film whose message can certainly be transferred to other worlds. An exceptionally accurate realisation of the annual theme “Of People and Monsters”, which we award the main prize in this category.”
The German Youth Film Award is the nationwide competition for young film talent up to the age of 25. Founded in 1988, it is now one of the largest forums for young filmmakers in Germany with over 94,000 participants*. The German Youth Film Award is open to all topics and awards prizes worth a total of 13,000 euros. Additional chances of winning are offered by an annually changing annual theme.