Every day, 137.000 male chicklets are being killed in germany straight after hatching. They are considered useless for egg and poultry production. A group of students from Media Design and International Business Studies wanted to raise awareness of this matter. Their campaign “chicksal” – a wording derivate from the German “Schicksal” (i.e. “destiny”) – is built around a fictional start-up company with a new, yet ethically questionable business idea to utilise these inefficient animals. Start-up CEO “Mike” sells sets of chicklets as living household appliances, e.g. for picking crumbs from your keyboard, or as ideal surrogates for your old shower sponge or tennis balls. The goal of this rather macabre mis-en-scène: building up a proper “shitstorm” across social media as a first step towards public awareness.
The German Association of Communications Agencies (GWA) is hosting the only young talent award in Germany with a focus on both communicative strategy AND creativity. Marketing and design students work hand-in-hand on a real life communication brief, set by agency coaches – in our case Eberle advertising agency for their client Holle Babyfood.
It is the third time Media Design students from Ravensburg have been entering the nationwide GWA Junior Agency Award, with this year’s participants ranging from Hamburg, Düsseldorf or Dortmund to Stuttgart. Winning the 2014 Silver and Audience Award, the students brilliantly continued Ravensburg’s success story in this competition (winning Silver in 2007 and Gold plus Audience Award in 2010 already). Mentoring was provided by DHBW Media Design Professors Mathias Hassenstein and Herbert Moser, as well as Prof. Dr. Udo Klaiber from the department of International Business.