Excellent news from the International Festival of Animated Film Stuttgart (ITFS) 2020, one of the most important festivals for animation and animated film worldwide!
This year the »FANtastic Award for the best animation talent«, endowed with 1000 Euros, went to Jonas Hurrle and his film »Fragments«, produced as a bachelor thesis project in our DHBW media design department.
The jury’s statement:
“We are more than the sum of our belongings. But these are the things that stay behind when a beloved person dies. New, truly unique stories form between all of the memoires. The floating spines of books, the stair lift to uncertainty and a stack of ID cards telling the story of a soldier’s life are only a few elements of this stop trick film giving us a very personal view of the death of the grandfather. We can hear his voice on the answering machine, delve deep into his life and are given a musical farewell. Jonas Hurrle’s film »Fragmente« is lovingly made and illustrates with apparently easy techniques a long life and its end. Congratulations on winning the »FANtastic Award« and welcome to the Stuttgart Animation Family!”
Founded in 1982, the ITFS has developed into a world-class event for animated film. The festival presents the whole spectrum of current animated film production and extending to visual effects, architecture, art, design, music and games. For six days and nights every year the Stuttgart Region is becoming the worldwide centre of animated film. Under the motto »Stay animated« the festival took place completely online this year.
Congratulations Jonas Hurrle!