Design Futuring is a new field of activity for designers. Its central mission is to enable stakeholders from all areas of society to imagine and negotiate different (desirable) futures with the means of design. The focus lies on designing future scenarios as tangible experiences in order to motivate decision-makers from business, politics and society to take action. In a structured creative process, various thinking tools enable an analytical and systematic examination of a variety of different future scenarios. Creativity methods expand the imagination for “better” future scenarios that portray everyday lives of ordinary people. Because the one seemingly inevitable future does not exist.
Prof. Benedikt Groß is an anti-disciplinary designer with a focus on Design Futuring and Computational Design. Benedikt is co-author of several specialist books, e.g. the standard publication “Generative Design”. He is alumnus of the Royal College of Arts in Design Interactions (under Dunne & Raby), the MIT Senseable City Lab and the CMU Studio for Creative Inquiry. Since 2017, he has been Professor of Interaction Design and Strategic Design at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, where he heads the Master’s programme in Strategic Design.
Prof. Dr. Eileen Mandir combines several disciplines in an unconventional way: 30% engineer, 50% designer, 20% change agent. Eileen studied technical cybernetics at the University of Stuttgart and subsequently completed her doctorate in traffic management. Today, she accompanies internal corporate and institutional transformation processes and public stakeholder/future dialogues. Since 2022, she has been Professor of Systemic Design in the Context of Social Change and Transformative Processes at the Faculty of Design at Munich University of Applied Sciences.
Designing Futures: Speculation. Critique. Innovation. Exploring, building and discussing future scenarios with »Design Futuring«. ISBN 9783874399586. Hardcover, 256 pages, format 17 × 24,4 cm.