Presentation of the book „Design der Zukunft“, Part 2

With Cornelia Lund and Holger Lund (eds.) and Thomas Burkhalter (ZHdK, Zürich &

What role(s) can design play in a changing society? This is the central question being asked in the recent publication “Design der Zukunft” (Designing the future/The future of design). Within a series of contributions, the book discusses concepts such as DIY-Design, Post-Digitality, Design Thinking, Social Design and Utopia Design.
Jana Herwig and students are welcoming film and media researcher Cornelia Lund (University of Hamburg), art- and design researcher Holger Lund (DHBW Ravensburg) as well as the communication designer Klaus Birk (DHBW Ravensburg).
Based on the publication, thoughts on post-digitality in design will be developed further, while taking a closer look e.g. at current music videos. Is post-digitality just another expression of a counter-approach to an otherwise digitally pervaded life? Or is the concept providing a useful theoretical impulse for the design and/or analysis of media?

The book “Design der Zukunft” (2014), edited by Cornelia and Holger Lund, is documenting the results of two symposiums held at DHBW Ravensburg in 2012 and 2013.

Contributions by Klaus Birk, Brave New Alps, Petra Eisele, Angela Haas, Ansgar Häfner, Jana Herwig, Thorsten Kluss, Cornelia Lund und Holger Lund, Hubert Matt, M*A*U*S*E*R, Philipp Meier, Thomas Weber.


Design der Zukunft bei avedition

Design der Zukunft im Slanted Shop



Thomas Burkhalter

„Out of the Absurdity of Life – Sounds, Noises and Voices from the Norient“


Thomas Burkhalter ist Musikethnologe, Musikjournalist und Kulturschaffender aus Bern. Er leitet seit 2011 das SNF-Forschungsprojekt „Globale Nischen – Musik in einer transnationalen Welt“ an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. Burkhalter ist Leiter des Norient Musikfilm Festivals sowie Gründer und Chefredakteur der Online-Plattform Norient – Network for Local and Global Sounds and Media Culture und arbeitet als Kulturschaffender interdisziplinär (u.a. audio-visuelle Performances „Sonic Traces: From Switzerland“„Sonic Traces: From the Arab World“ und Dokumentarfilm „Buy More Incense – Indian and Pakistani Musicians in the UK“). 2013 erschienen von ihm „Local Music Scenes and Globalization: Transnational Platforms in Beirut“ und der Sammelband „The Arab Avant Garde: Musical Innovation in the Middle East“.


Thomas Burkhalter bei norient