Lunatic Beudo features the young rappers Zébédé, Bouba and G BOY from Kinshasa. These kids are surviving life on the streets. Yet, they all make fun of U.S. American gangsta sh*t hip-hop because they know when it comes to real street life nobody will tell them nothing.
How can anger, clarity of social analysis, the experience of pressure and pain as well as mystery be reconciled? In the flow of Congolese rapper Orakle Ngoy. Which she uses for a feminist critique of the (capitalist) system, being one of the very few female rap stars from Kinshasa. Decolonized beats based on exotica samples were provided for Orakle by German producer Martin Georgi, a son of English-Sinhalese immigrants.
A cooperation between Seismographic Records and fluctuating images e.V. (Cornelia Lund and Holger Lund).
A deep thank you from the heart goes to Lunatic Beudo, Peter Miyalu and Orakle Ngoy for enabling this vinyl record project. Without their cooperation and helpful minds this record would not exist.
Thanks go also to AcudMachtNeu (Berlin) and LabKontempo (Kinshasa) as well as to DHBW Ravensburg for supporting our research in Kinshasa.