Seven promotional prizes of 10,000 Swiss francs each plus a youth prize of 5,000 Swiss francs were awarded. As an MdRV alumnus and lecturer, Nicolas Bernklau was nominated for the award by the German state of Baden-Württemberg. From a total of 17 nominations by neighbouring cantons and countries in the Lake of Constance region, an international jury of typography experts has selected the winners of this year’s IBK promotional awards: Bänziger/Kasper/Florio, nominated by the Canton of Thurgau; Nicolas Bernklau, nominated by the State of Baden-Württemberg; Data-Orbit, nominated by the Canton of St.Gallen; Hannah Gebauer, nominated by the Free State of Bavaria; Fabian Harb, nominated by the Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden; Florian Jakober, nominated by the Canton of Zurich; Daniel Wenzel, nominated by the State of Baden-Württemberg.
For the IBK Promotional Awards 2022, individuals or collectives were sought who currently excel in the development of type design and typography. Their work should be relevant in artistic and experimental contexts as well as in print and digital contexts. The jury paid particular attention to independence, innovation and functionality. The nominations confirm that typography plays an important role in many areas of professional and cultural life today. The winners of this year’s IBK Awards and the Youth Award prove that the typographic diversity in the Lake Constance region is exceptional and constantly developing further.
Nicolas Bernklau studied media design at DHBW Ravensburg from 2014-2017, together with partnering company Jung von Matt/Neckar. After working for the Mannheim-based design studio Deutsche & Japaner, Nicolas studied for a Master’s degree in Type Design at ECAL Lausanne, where he is currently employed as an artistic assistant in the Master’s programme. Nicolas teaches “Information Typography” and “Applied Typography” in the Media Design course at DHBW Ravensburg and works with Bureau Bernklau on typographic projects for international clients.
The awards ceremony took place on Wednesday, 9 November, at the Zeughaus Teufen (CH) in a festive setting. A publication of all winners was published to accompany the award ceremony. It also presents their work in more detail.
Congratulations, Nicolas!