This year, the Hotelkompetenzzentrum’s ideas competition centered around envisioning future employee housing in order to promote the hotel industry as attractive employers. Six projects had made it into the finale and were presented on site, four of them from our course of studies. Overall, the projects made it clear that sustainability, style, and flexibility should determine modern living for generations Y-Z. The concept “Home Port” by our media designers Lisa Gabelmann, Julian Gehring and Jan David Renk was chosen as the winner by the expert jury and additionally won the audience award. This exciting vision focuses on the upcycling of old shipping containers. These containers can be put together as flexible and variably designable accommodations that add up to a larger complex. The concept also includes common rooms for leisure time and even a sustainable mini market.
Anja Stenzenberger, Maximilian Mager, Max Mager and Leonie Braitsch, too, were able to convince the jury and took third place. Their concept named “the village” includes an entire employee village that is based on the residents’ different working hours, day and night. The village includes various living areas, leisure areas, and a central village square for social gatherings.
Second place also went to DHBW Ravensburg students in the hotel and catering management course with their concept “United Living”, whom we warmly congratulate
The Hotelkompetenzzentrum’s ideas competition has been taking place annually since 2018 and is aimed at students from Generation Y-Z in order to consciously focus on and include this target group that is increasingly important for the hotel industry.