Social networks have established themselves as a fixed factor in the news business. The whole world is now author, curator and co-sharer of their happiness. Not only journalists, but also designers can only prick up their ears in the face of the abyss in which every opinion is important and everyone feels empowered to »design«.
With this situation in mind, Gregor Kuschmirz discusses how professional media makers could succeed in continuing to live up to the responsibility that their knowledge and skills bring with them. He uses his own work to illustrate how his constant switching between art and design has ultimately opened up the freedom in both areas that has meant the greatest happiness for him as a designer.
Gregor Kuschmirz studied communication design at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and film and TV design at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.
In his artistic work he deals with aspects of the public sphere, market mechanisms and social consequences of media technology developments. With performances, videos and interactive installations he regularly participates in international exhibitions, for example at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Shanghai Art Museum, the European Media Art Festival and the Frankfurter Kunstverein.
From 2011 to 2019 he was responsible for the moving image department at Cologne-based digital agency denkwerk, where he was also involved in the development and work of the IoT laboratory »thinx«.
Gregor Kuschmirz was interim-professor for moving image at the Münster University of Applied Sciences from 2015 to 2017 and currently teaches »experiment and concept« at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences.